Sunday, is Sunday ! Today i write an articles for you learn at ip tracing with the Kali Linux distribution. You’r go finding easyly the good information on an website.
Nikto it’s an tool for discover the adrress ips, hi’s very simply, you’r use Linux? That go simply for you ! Two at three lines of commandes in the root terminal, it’s down.
For exemple in that article, i go take this website !
Sorry for Brad ! the website creater :p it’s joke, it’s funny
Where you go finding Nikto? On Github of course
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Website:
- Kali Website:
In an first time, you should doing the celebrety lines of commande
git clone url of your downloading for instal the tools on Kali Linux
Open terminal root
git clone
Me i’ve nikto he turn it’s formidable for tracking ip adress of website. The installation of nikto on my machine will be NO FOUND as I already have it, I will install other tools in image to show you the command line “git clone” under Kali or “apt get clone” under some other Linux distributions.
In the second time, you going click “enter” for the see the result, and see the ip adress of target website.
What is it Nikto tool on Kali Linux distribution
There is a mass of vulnerability scanners on the internet to test your web applications on the net. However, if you want to test intranet or internal software, you have the possibility to use Personne web scanner. Personne is an open-source scanner and you can use it with any web server (apache, nginx, ihs, ohs, litespeed, etc.).
It sounds like an internal tool of choice for web server scanning. It is capable of scanning over 6700 items for configuration errors, risky files, etc.
And some of the features include. What is Nikto? It is a web vulnerability scanner written in perl and licensed under gpl. Its function is to test the security of your web server configuration (http options, indexes, potential xss vulnerabilities, sql injections etc…)
Disclaimer to be used only on your own servers. The scan is noisy, and generates several tens of lines of logs with your ip in the apache logs or in any ids.
The interest is to find vulnerabilities at home to secure our web servers. Nikto is a tool pre-installed in kali linux, it allows to make a quick audit of your web server.
In this article I will work on a local web server hosted in a virtual machine under vmware. In the post I will audit a classic apache2 configuration.
Nikto allows you to customize your requests with options like using ssl, uploading files, or using a different port than 80. A kind of big toolbox to secure your apache.
What is it Kali Linux ?
Kali linux is a gnu/linux distribution released on March 13, 2013, based on debian. The distribution has taken over from backtrack. The objective of kali linux is to provide a distribution that brings together all the tools needed for security testing of an information system, including penetration testing.
Since the 2016 version, Kali Linux is available pre-installed with a large number of desktop environments5. These include: gnome, kde, lxde, mate, enlightenment and xfce, which you can choose when you download. Kali linux is a gnu/linux distribution based on Debian released in 2013.
It follows Backtrack, which was based on Ubuntu. The objective of this suite of programs is to group together the tools needed for security testing of a computer system: penetration testing, sniffing, reverse engineering, password cracking, vulnerability research, etc.
The distribution is very easy to use, even for beginners. Its large collection of applications has helped many Internet users to better secure their systems. The development was led by mati aharoni and devon kearns during the rewrite of backtrack, their previous ubuntu-based Linux distribution dedicated to infosec. The third lead developer then joined them as a debian specialist. Kali Linux is based on Debian testing. Most of the packages used come from the debian repositories.
Kali Linux is developed in a secure development environment, where only a few trusted people are allowed to contribute by changing packages, and each package is signed by its developer.