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Linux? It’s hard not to hear about it today. Unless you’ve been locked up in an anti-nuclear bunker cut off from the rest of the world, you’ve inevitably come across this word somewhere on the internet or in a conversation with someone.
It’s not surprising: linux is everywhere. Without linux, many web and programs would not exist today. But what the hell is linux? That’s the question this first chapter will answer, don’t panic.
We’re not going to install anything yet, just find out what it is and how we got there… because it’s especially important! So make yourself comfortable and let’s start with the bias. Ubuntu ( pronunciation: /u. Bun. Tu/, English: [ʊˈbʊntuː] ) is a gnu/linux operating system based on the debian linux layout. It is developed, marketed and maintained for personal computers ( desktop ), servers ( server ) and connected objects ( core ) by the company canonical. Ubuntu is positioned as “an operating system used by thousands of PCs worldwide “6 and with a “simple, intuitive, and secure “7 interface. It is the most consulted layout on the internet according to my blog alexa8, and the most used operating system on cloud systems and computer servers9.
Ubuntu is divided into two versions: the main stable version called lts. A remake comes out every three years, the security surface and updates are provided for five years10. The only version 20. 04, codename “focal fossa”, was released on April 23, 2020. This is the recommended version on the canonical site for the general public. The secondary version. A new adaptation is released every six months and the security surface and updates are provided for 9 months.
The penultimate version is 19. 10, codename “eoan ermine “11 which was released on April 16, 201912 and the latest version is 20. 10, codename “groovy gorilla” which was released on October 22, 2020. This is the recommended version on the canonical site for those who want to benefit from the latest features. Ubuntu ( pronunciation: /u. Bun. Tu/, English: [ʊˈbʊntuː] ) is a gnu/linux operating system based on the debian linux layout. It is developed, marketed and maintained for personal computers ( desktop ), servers ( server ) and connected objects ( core ) by the company canonical.
Ubuntu is positioned as “an operating system used by thousands of PCs worldwide “6 and with a “simple, intuitive, and secure “7 interface. It is the most consulted layout on the internet according to my blog alexa8, and the most used operating system on cloud systems and computer servers9.
Ubuntu is divided into two versions: the main stable version called lts. A remake comes out every three years, the security surface and updates are provided for five years10. The only version 20. 04, codename “focal fossa”, was released on April 23, 2020. This is the recommended version on the canonical site for the general public.
The secondary version. A new adaptation is released every six months and the security surface and updates are provided for 9 months. The penultimate version is 19. 10, codename “eoan ermine “11 which was released on April 16, 201912 and the latest version is 20. 10, codename “groovy gorilla” which was released on October 22, 2020. This is the recommended version on the canonical website for those who want to benefit from the latest features.